Our Maple Syrup is available in the following quantities and packaging :Brown plastic #2 Jugs (HDPE) :Glass containers, Kent, 1L Mason Jars, 540ml Cans All our Maple syrup is hot packed (180 degrees or hotter), labelled, graded and marked for traceability. Delicious on pancakes, ice cream, and pretty. Syrup is produced each year from sap collected from 4000 taps and boiled to perfection in the farm’s 5 x 14, wood-fired evaporator in sugar house we built in 1986. Our barrel-aged maple syrups are 100 pure Vermont maple aged in Bourbon, Rum, and WhistlePig Rye Whiskey barrels. We use Certified Organic antifoamers and cleaning methods on all our equipment. The farm’s main crop is between 600 and 1,000 gallons of Baystate Organic Certifiers Certified Organic Pure Maple Syrup. Our Maple syrup is pure with nothing added, only the water has been removed. It takes 40L of sap to make 1L of Maple Syrup, so reducing the water content of the sap minimizes the time and energy required to cook the sap. We use a reverse osmosis machine to remove water before cooking, which saves energy consumption by 50% or more. In the sugarhouse, wood from our forest is used to cook the sap (no fuel oil is used). These guidelines state the number of taps per tree (max of 2) for best forest management practices. Tap into GREATNESS with the finest Organic Maple SyrupProducts sustainably produced by a cooperative with a conscience. We also adhere to the production guidelines issued by the Ontario Maple Syrup Association. We harvest a few trees every year, but only when the ground is frozen to reduce damage to the woodlot ecosystem. Our wood lots are managed according to sustainable forest management guidelines and practices. We minimize handling of the sap and syrup to reduce the chance of contamination. Only food grade plastic is used when stainless steel cannot be used. Wherever possible the equipment we use is stainless steel. We are also happy to announce that as of 2018 all of our maple syrup is certified organic! We believe these courses are an important part of our farm so we can produce a high quality product. Kevin has completed courses with the Environmental Farm Plan, Food Safety and Traceability, and the On Farm Food Safety Program. In our efforts to provide you with the best possible product, we are continually improving our equipment when new technology becomes available. Genuine maple syrup, unopened, plastic.We are a 5th generation farm, producing Maple Syrup for over 100 years. More importantly, it means youll enjoy our pure. The Truth About Sugary Drinks and Your Smile. Certified organic means that this pure maple syrup is produced according to stringent organic guidelines. Guidelines ask Americans to limit intake of added sugars. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Making maple syrup: Hazardous avocational ingestion of raw sap in a patient with nut and tree pollen sensitivity. Differential effects of chronic ingestion of refined sugars versus natural sweeteners on insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis in a rat model of diet-induced obesity Nutrients. This plastic jug (4L bottle) is the most environmentaly friendly way to consume our maple. Valle M, St-Pierre P, Pilon G, Marette A. Click below to see how Crown Maple exemplifies the benefits of pure maple syrup. Identification of a novel oligosaccharide in maple syrup as a potential alternative saccharide for diabetes mellitus patients. THE PERFECT GIFT FOR ANY OCCASION WHO KNEW GOOD HEALTH COULD BE SO SWEET Plant-based & rich in antioxidants like manganese and zinc, pure maple syrup is more than just a sweet addition to your Saturday morning pancakes.

Sato K, Nagai N, Yamamoto T, Mitamura K, Taga A. Effect of dark-colored maple syrup on cell proliferation of human gastrointestinal cancer cell. Yamamoto T, Sato K, Kubota Y, Mitamura K, Taga A. Rehydrating efficacy of maple water after exercise-induced dehydration. Matias A, Dudar M, Kauzlaric J, Frederick KA, Fitzpatrick S, Ives SJ. Ingestion of maple-based and other carbohydrate sports drinks: effect on sensory perceptions during prolonged exercise. cancer: a review on natural phytochemicals in preventing and treating cancers and their druggability. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Total antioxidant content of alternatives to refined sugar. Honest to Goodness Organic Maple Syrup is amber in colour and has a delightful, rich maple flavour. NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Further investigation into maple syrup yields 3 new lignans, a new phenylpropanoid, and 26 other phytochemicals. Maple syrup, pure Canadian (Queen Foods, Australia).